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Ben-Naim, Arieh, 1934-


1 Information theory and selected applications / Arieh Ben-Naim : [hardback]. - Cham : Springer , c2023
2 Water and life : life in water and water in life / Arieh Ben-Naim, Zvi Kirson, José Angel Sordo : paperback. - Singapore : World Scientific , c2021
3 Modern thermodynamics / Arieh Ben-Naim, Diego Casadei : pbk,: hardcover. - Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific , c2017
4 Entropy demystified : the second law reduced to plain common sense / Arieh Ben-Naim : hbk.. - 2nd ed.. - New Jersey ; Tokyo : World Scientific , c2016
5 エントロピーの正体 / アリー・ベン=ナイム著 ; 小野嘉之訳 東京 : 丸善出版 , 2015.12
6 Information, entropy, life and the universe : what we know and what we do not know / Arieh Ben-Naim Singapore : World Scientific , c2015
7 The role of water in protein folding, self-assembly and molecular recognition / Arieh Ben-Naim : hbk,: pbk. - Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific , c2011
8 エントロピーがわかる : 神秘のベールをはぐ7つのゲーム / アリー・ベン-ナイム著 ; 中嶋一雄訳 東京 : 講談社 , 2010.7
9 Molecular theory of water and aqueous solutions / Arieh Ben-Naim Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific , c2009-
10 Understanding water / Arieh Ben-Naim Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific , c2009
11 A farewell to entropy : statistical thermodynamics based on information / Arieh Ben-Naim : pbk. - Singapore : World Scientific , c2008
12 Molecular theory of solutions / Arieh Ben-Naim : hbk,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2006

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