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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry


1 無機化学命名法 : IUPAC2005年勧告 / [IUPAC 原編] ; Neil G. Connelly [ほか] 著 ; 日本化学会化合物命名法委員会訳著 東京 : 東京化学同人 , 2010.3
2 物理化学で用いられる量・単位・記号 / J.G.Frey, H.L.Strauss著 ; 産業技術総合研究所計量標準総合センター訳 第3版. - 東京 : 講談社 , 2009.4
3 Compendium of analytical nomenclature : definitive rules 1987 / prepared for publication by Henry Freiser and George H. Nancollas 2nd ed.. - Oxford ; Boston : Blackwell Scientific , 1987.
4 XIIth International Conference on Coordination Chemistry : plenary lectures presented at Sydney, Australia, 20-27 August 1969 / [organised by] International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry in conjunction with the Australian Academy of Science London : Butterworths , 1970
5 Nomenclature of organic chemistry 2nd ed. - London : Butterworths , 1966
6 International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, April 12-18, 1964 Kyoto, Japan : abstracts of papers / Organized by the Science Council of Japan under the auspices of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry [s.l. : s.n. , 1964]
7 国際純正および応用化学連合無機化学命名法 : 無機化学命名法委員会1957年報告 / 山崎一雄訳著 東京 : 南江堂 , 1960.7
8 Chemistry of the co-ordinate compounds : a symposium = Convegno internazionale chimica dei composti di coordinazione / sponsored by the Italian National Research Council, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, and the Italian Chemical Society, Rome, 15-21 September 1957 London ; New York : Symposiums Publications Division, Pergamon Press , 1958
9 Chemistry international : the news magazine of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) 1979 (1979)-1984 (1984) ; V. 7, no. 1 (1985)-. - Oxford, U.K.

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