希望図書購入申込(Book purchase request)


This service can only be used by those involved in Towada Campus.
You can request the purchase of materials that are not in the Veterinary Medicine Library.
However, we cannot accept magazines, paperbacks, or novels.We also cannot accept materials with purchase prices of 1,000 yen or less.
For e-books, please fill in the remarks column.



The period for accepting books to be purchased is as follows.

 和書(Japanese Books):2024年4月4日~2025年1月31日(予定)
 洋書(Foreign Language Books):2024年4月4日~2024年11月30日(終了)



Please check the library's holdings before you apply.

蔵書検索 北里大学OPACはこちら


希望図書購入申込(Book purchase request)


Please enter your student number for students, staff number for faculty, staff and research physicians, and user number for trainees and research students.



Please fill in the remarks column in the following cases:

  • When you want to purchase more than one of the same book.
  • E-book request.
  • Audiovisual material request.(Teaching staff only)